Gumzo Kuu

Islamic state power in Middle East

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Slat or mesh armour has been commonplace on combat vehicles for some 10 years, with a history of development dating back 60 years or more. This armour type generally takes the form of a metal grid, mesh, or bars, and is most commonly fitted over conventional plate armour. IS VBIED designers have adopted this effective and lightweight add-on armour type. Slat armor serves to impede the proper function of many types of AT munitions that use a point-initiation, base-detonating (PIBD) fuzing system. The armour accomplishes this by either damaging the munition on impact, or by preventing the optimal impact angle to function the fuze. In the event that the munition does function correctly, slat armour can provide an increased stand-off distance, negatively impacting the armour penetration capabilities of many munition types.
These design improvements have proven effective and have accelerated the anti-tank weapon requirements of forces in conflict with the Islamic State.  Forces aligned against IS in Iraq have received anti-tank guided weapons (ATGW) to counter the continual improvements to SVBIED design. These comparatively advanced weapon systems are designed to defeat the armour of main battle tanks and have proven very effective against IS armoured SVBIEDs. The Islamic State have themselves been targeted by VBIED attacks executed by other militant groups, and have deployed ATGWs  to counter this threat in some areas.


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